Are you looking for the best Diet chart for weight loss? The rules are very simple.
All you need to do is start eating right food. However, this can feel like an impossible challenge, given our food culture and dietary habits. For instance, a typical Indian meal is high in carbohydrates and sugar – we eat a lot of potatoes, rice, and sweets.
While observing an Indian diet chart for weight loss, the following tips might be useful
- Freshly prepared meals are the best choice always.
- Healing Through Food
- Breakfast should be taken within thirty minutes of waking up.
- Lunch should be a medium affair with dal, sabzi, roti and curd or rice, rajma, chole etc.
- Dinner should be light such as khichdi or dal chawal or curd rice.
- Dinner should be taken at least two hours before bedtime.
- Ensure to have all the food groups in your diet plan.
- Breakfasts are to be hearty and wholesome. Options like paratha, idlis, dosa, uttapam, bread and eggs are good choices.
- Apart from the main meals, there should be 2-3 mini meals as well.
- These mini meals can consist of fruits, nuts, salads, peanuts etc.
- Packages, processes, ready to eat foods should be avoided.
- Water is a very important element of a balanced diet.
- One meal a week can be a cheat meal, however, ensure not to go overboard during this time.
- Avoid things like a zero carb diet or starvation to lose weight.
List of Healthy Foods to Include in Your Weight Loss Diet Chart
- Fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, spinach, okra, cabbage, mushrooms, papaya, pomegranate, guava, apples, etc are the best source of vitamins and nutrients.
- Legumes such as Mung beans, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, lentils, pulses and chickpeas are an important part of the Indian diet.
- No Indian meal is complete without dairy products like curd, ghee, buttermilk and cheese.
- Indian meals get their protein fix from meat, tofu, legumes, dairy, nuts and seeds.
Unani Medicine for Weight Loss
Unani herbal Medicine plays an important role in the management of obesity. Number of herbs is documented in Unani classics to reduce weight and studies have also been carried out for its anti-obesity activity. These include Luk-e- Maghsool, Muqil (Commiphora mukul Linn.), Kharkhask (Tribulus terrestris Linn.), Haldi (Curcuma longa Linn.) and Zeera Siyah (Carum carvi, Linn.) etc.
SUFOOF-E-BENAZIR is special herbal medicine to get rid of fatness and excess weight.Regular use for few days get rid of excess weight and fatness and make you fit.
- It is a good appetizer and cure metaebolism.
- Does not allow gases to be loomed.
- It strength your urinary bladder and kidney.
- Cures stomach weakness and liver weakness.
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